Discover Concord: The Mystery of Ponyhenge
A wonderful outcropping of rocking horses has become a bit of a hidden institution in Lincoln, Massachusetts. The unofficial name, Ponyhenge. Little is known about why or how the first horse was placed in the fields, but now more than 48 bucking broncos have joined the herd. Winding down the two-lane country roads with bucolic fields falling to the right and left provides part of the attraction. Signature New England stone walls hem the drive the nearer you get to the henge. If you are looking to unwind and have a bit of fun, just getting to Ponyhenge can provide a sense of calm.

Head towards Route 126, then onto Waltham road (which then turns into Old Sudbury Road) and there you will find Ponyhenge. Sitting politely, tucked into the side of the road, is a group of children’s rocking horses arranged in concentric circles. The arrival of rocking horses began years ago, though no one knows (or is saying) how or why. Over time, the ponies have grown in number year after year. They are varied in style and material. Some are classic solid wood rocking horses with yarn manes and wood rockers. Others are large plastic horse figures decorated with looped stirrups, footrests, and handles near the bridle to help little ones hold on tight while riding their pony. The springs in the base provide the giddy up for young riders. The ponies range in color from hot pink to blonde/chestnut bodies with ivory and sky-blue saddles. Some have a theme — a silver knight in shining armor, a Gene Simmons KISS face, and a lone rocking duck are just a few. Each is adorable, unique in its own right and ready to be admired!

At times, magically, the herd has changed its formation from concentric circles to what appeared to be a straight line of horses set up to begin a gallop off to the races. Local lore says that this realignment happened during the start of the Triple Crown race season. Given the proximity to the road, it is amazing that no one has been witness to (or has shared the knowledge about) the changing of formation.
It is nice to see a bit of childhood nostalgia available for everyone to enjoy. Walking around Ponyhenge brings back memories of childhood rocking horses and merry-goround horses that have a joyful element to them — a bit of fun and whimsy.