CCHS Varsity Basketball Coach David Cohen and the CCHS Boys Basketball Coaching Staff are back to run 3 weeks of Patriot Hoop Clinics this summer at CCHS. The first week starts next Monday, June 21st and there are openings available for boys entering grades 2-5. Patriot Hoop Clinics is in its 12th year and campers learn a ton about the game, have lots of fun and enjoy being around the Varsity team, which serve as junior counselors. Sign up today at patriothoopclinics.com!

Camps Overview:
High School Boys’ Summer Clinics
Who: Boys who will be entering the 8th – 12th grades in the (Fall of 2021)
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 15th – July 29th
Where: Concord and Wakefield Locations
Time: Concord: 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Wakefield: 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Cost: $340.00
Week Long Boys’ Summer Camps:
Who: Boys who will be entering the 1st–10th grades (Fall of 2021)
When: Monday – Friday, August 2nd – August 6th
Time: 9-12:00 pm for 1st- 2nd, 9-3:00 pm for 3rd-10th Graders
Cost: $425; $250 for 1-2 grade half day program
Location : Concord-Carlisle High School
Week Long Girls’ Summer Camps:
Who: Girls who will be entering the 1st–10th grades (Fall of 2021)
When: Monday – Friday, August 2nd – August 6th
Time: 9-12:00 pm for 1st- 2nd, 9-3:00 pm for 3rd-10th Graders
Cost: $425; $250 for 1-2 grade half day program
Location : Concord-Carlisle High School
Led by the CCHS Varsity Girl’s Coach Peter Fischelis
High School Boys Preseason Academy:
Who: Boys who will be entering the 9th – 12th grades in the (Fall of 2021)
When: Monday – Thursday, August 9th – August 12th
Where: Concord and Wakefield Locations
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Cost: $160.00
High School Girls Preseason Academy:
Who: Girls who will be entering the 9th – 12th grades in the (Fall of 2021)
When: Monday – Thursday, August 16th – August 19th
Where: Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Cost: $160.00
SIGN-UP for Target Soccer Academy!

2021 Patriots Youth Football Fundamentals Clinic. The clinic runs from Monday, July 12-14, 8:45-11:45 a.m, and is for boys & girls entering grades 3-8.
The clinic is a non-padded, non-contact clinic focused on the instruction of the basic skills and strategies of football. Kids interested in Flag Football and/or Tackle Football will gain tremendous confidence by acquiring and building skills in a positive, supportive environment. Learning, improving, and having FUN are the primary goals of the Clinic! The cost is $125 and includes a clinic t-shirt and is held on Memorial Field at CCHS. We will comply with state and local Covid guidelines. Participants will be sent a list of protocols once we have more clarity this summer.
Please register at www.ccyouthfootball.com Click on the green login button on the top right of the home page and follow registration instructions.
For any questions about the clinic format/expectations, contact Coach Reed at jreed@concordcarlisle.org or (207) 337-1393.

The Concord Carlisle High School Field Hockey team is excited to announce the Summer Pre-Season Clinic for players entering grades 6-9.
The clinic will run August 18th, 19th and 20th, from 8:30am-12:30pm, on CCHS Turf 1. The clinic is $150.00 and the proceeds support the CCHS Field Hockey teams and coaches.
We are optimistic we will be able to run a larger camp this summer, but if numbers need to be limited, spots will be allocated on a first come basis, so please register early!
Registration for Pre-Season Clinic!