Summer Arts @ Home offers 8 weeks of themed art activities designed for either 5-9 year olds (K-3) or 10-14 year olds (4-8).
Each week’s “Treasure Box” includes 10 activity sets designed by our experienced teachers, with all materials available for easy purchase (or you can use materials you have at home).
Other options include Ceramics (including clay, glaze and firing services at The Umbrella), Adventure (community projects, outdoor challenges, treasure hunts, adventure prompts), Cartooning, and Teacher Time (live 1-hour online teacher session).
This interactive camp with instructor Katie Speed is for kids 10-14 years old (4-8 Grade) who love to perform. Each two-week session offers opportunities to learn, experiment in and perform different aspects of stagecraft — both independently and with the teacher — culminating in a final, virtual ensemble performance.
July 6-17: Write, perform, and film a Monologue
July 20-31: Learn and film short Dance combinations
August 3-14: Over four live Zoom sessions, study, practice and film various Improv techniques
August 17-28: Learn, rehearse and perform a Musical Theater piece, and film it for a virtual ensemble performance
Based on our popular Ninjas in Nature classes, Ninja Awareness Week (June 29-July 3) offers active kids ages 7-12 a chance to develop skills of nature and introductory arts of the ancient ninja through at-home sensory awareness activities. Students receive a “Treasure Box” of supplies needed for the program, which combines daily Zoom sessions with expert instructors Ken Clarkson and Rob Riman, in support of fun independent “backyard skills missions”. Activities run daily from 10AM-2PM.
Students completing the training will earn a Ninjas in Nature certificate and patch.
Additional sessions TBA starting July 15 can extend learning this summer, including Ninjas in Nature Level 1 and Ninjas in Nature Art.
Find more information at https://TheUmbrellaArts.org/Summer or 978-371-0820 x204.

To learn more about how to use ZOOM go HERE
Sampling of some online classes on the schedule:
- Painting in the Alla Prima Style with Emily Passman Pastel Drawing Class: Release Your Inner Artist with Janet Schwartz
- Drawing Without Fear with Kate Hanlon
- Draw & Quick Paint (Your still life setups & figures from video sources) Ron Krouk
- Stuart Shils-REFRAMING THE ORDINARY, Drawing Seminar
- Finding Shape & Color: Painting & Collage-Nancy Gruskin
- Finding Shape & Color: Painting & Collage-Nancy Gruskin
- Reconnecting with the Natural World: Elemental Landscape with Amy Wynne ONLINE (2nd Session)
- Reconnecting with the Natural World: Elemental Landscape with Amy Wynne
- Color and Light – preparing for en plein air with Jill Pottle
- Emily Eveleth- The Liberated Hand, Painting & Drawing
- Five Day Sketching with Pen & Ink with Emily Passman
- The White Line Woodcut and Beyond with Kate Hanlon

Our Local Farms Mural
Six artists at the Village Art Room have made a paint and photo montage that celebrates farms present and past in the vicinity of West Concord. The montage will be made into a 6 1/2 by 11 1/2 foot mosaic outdoor mural comprised of 299 6×6 inch squares. Each square will be painted by members of our community. The mural is sponsored and directed by the West Concord Junction Cultural District Committee to be completed and presented to the public during Art Week 2020.
Where will it be installed?
During Art Week 2020, the first week of May, or at a later date if the present health crisis causes delays, the mural will be installed on a wall in West Concord center. The exact location is still being considered.
How to participate
Paint a tile or two at home! We will supply you with everything you need! Pick-up or delivery options available.
Home Delivery Option:
Due to social distancing, we are making this process as hands-off as possible. To have Farm Mural Art Kits delivered to your home, please do the following:
Look through the images of squares here . Choose one or two squares per person. Note down the number of each of the square(s) you would like.
Fill out the mural tile request sheet, or email us at hello@villageartroom.com. Please include all the requested information to help us keep this project organized.
If the squares you’ve picked out have been taken, we will try to choose similar ones for you.
We will use every caution in filling supply bags, washing our hands and wearing masks. We also suggest that you leave the container of supplies for two days, to be extra cautious about potential contamination.
Pick up in Person Option:
Order ahead online and we will have a bag for you to pick up on the porch of You can pick up on the porch of 21 Winthrop Street. Arrange for a time to pick up using the email on the form.
Painting the Tiles
Once you’ve received your Farm Mural Art Kit, it’s time to paint the tiles! Two sets of instructions are included in the packet you will receive—you can preview them here: General instructions and Tracing the image onto the tile). We also have video instruction on how to trace the image onto the tile—check it out! Have fun!
What does it cost?
The mural is partially covered by a grant from the Mass Cultural Council, by the Town of Concord and by sponsors of the mural. You may paint tiles for free, but a donation to the Art for All program is greatly appreciated if you are able.