
Concord Museum Launches Contemporary Leaders Program

New Membership Program for Young Patrons of Arts and Culture

The Concord Museum gathered museum supporters under age
55 on Friday, September 22, 2023 at a launch event for the new Concord Museum Contemporary Leaders membership program. Over eighty young patrons of arts and culture enjoyed an evening of music, conversation, and refreshments and learned about the mission of the Concord Museum Contemporary Leaders.

The Contemporary Leaders are the heart of the Museum’s mission to connect people to Concord’s multifaceted history and its continuing influence on American cultural, political, environmental, and literary life. Members of the Contemporary Leaders program will enjoy special access experiences at the
Museum as well as family-focused events, social gatherings, and other opportunities to deepen their engagement with the Museum and connect with one another.

“The Concord Museum is a gathering place of objects, ideas, and friends,” said Allison Shilling, the Museum’s Deputy Director and Director of Engagement. “The Contemporary Leaders will convene at the Museum for intellectual and social engagement as well as to drive transformative impact in the
community. In time, the Leaders’ philanthropic leadership will underwrite exhibitions, programs, commissions from contemporary artists, and strategic  that bring people together and extend our reach into areas of Concord’s history and contemporary culture that have been historically underrepresented.”

The Contemporary Leaders’ Steering Committee includes Concord Museum Governors Matt Boger and Greg Creamer, Trustees Jason Griswold, Hayley Maybury-Gross, and John Coughlin, plus Chessie Cataldo, Kristen Tahirak Bitterman, and Erica Cohen.

To become a Concord Museum Contemporary Leader, click here

The Concord Museum connects people to Concord’s multi-faceted history and its continuing influence on American cultural, political, environmental, and literary life. Founded in 1886, the Museum presents centuries of objects from Concord and surrounding areas for everyone to experience and explore. These
objects let us bring to life the stories of the diverse people who lived in Concord since its earliest days.

Every day, Concord’s history comes alive in our collections, exhibitions, and programs. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.