
Open Table Family-to-Family Food Drive is a big success!


Open Table sent out update on the Family-to-Family Food Drive:

Holiday Drive a Huge Success


We all know the holidays can be difficult when money is tight, and this year even more so. People are out of work, families unable to gather. So our Family-to-Family Holiday project was particularly timely. More than 330 families and organizations filled holiday bags for guest families, putting cozy items like hats, gloves and plush throws with family fun night items and baking supplies, in addition to other groceries. Many items are things that don’t usually go in our grocery bags, but that make the holidays so much sweeter.


We never expected to get enough donor families to fill bags for every single household we serve, but you all came through, in a big way. Connecting donor families to guest families is a reminder to our guests that their community cares about them. And that’s an important message for them to hear anytime, and especially around the holidays.


The bags will be distributed over the next two weeks.




Open Table did a phenomenal job with this Family-to-Family Food Drive, using a creative list of 12 Days to Give. Over 330 families & organizations enjoyed gathering their items throughout the 12 day period then delivering to the Maynard and Crosby’s location earlier this week.


Here are some photos…



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