Concord250 Event: Choral Evensong

Trinity Episcopal Church 81 Elm Street, Concord, United States

On Sunday, March 2, at 5:00 pm, Concord choirs from First Parish, Trinitarian Congregational, Holy Family, and West Concord Union Church will gather with the choir from Trinity Episcopal Church at Trinity, 81 Elm Street, Concord, MA for a traditional English service of sung prayer called Choral Evensong, in honor of the 250th celebration of […]

Concord Chamber Music Society Presents: Wendy Putnam, violin & Vytas Baksys, piano

Concord Chamber Music Society Presents: Wendy Putnam, violin & Vytas Baksys, piano March 9, 2025, 3pm, at Lexington's Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library Tickets available to purchase beginning August 5, 2024: Description: An intriguing program of works by American composers that includes a tribute to the American Revolution with Vieuxtemps’ Souvenir d’Amerique - virtuosic variations on “Yankee […]

Around Hear Family Concert

Concord Conservatory of Music 1317 Main St, Concord, MA, United States

Around Hear enriches our local communities with their innovative, fun, and uplifting chamber music concerts, bringing joy and excitement to families and music lovers of all ages! Saturday, March 22, 2:00 pm Purchase Tickets in advance or payable at the door for this event. ($10 General Admission and free for students 18 and under) Explore […]


Concord250: Concord Women’s Chorus “Songs of the Revolution”

First Parish Church 20 Lexington Rd, Concord, MA, United States

Location: Parish Hall, First Parish in Concord, 20 Lexington Road, Concord Description:  To mark 250 years since the start of the American Revolution, CWC member Diane Taraz traces the road to rebellion with songs enjoyed by ordinary people, especially those often overlooked, such as women and people of color. She presents lively ballads, serene hymns, […]

CONCORD250: Concord Orchestra performance: “American Heritage”

51 Walden

March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m The Concord Orchestra, conducted by Music Director Zeke Fetrow, is thrilled to perform “American Heritage” concerts as part of the Concord250 celebration.  Performances are on Saturday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden.  We are excited to […]

CONCORD250: Concord Orchestra performance: “American Heritage”

51 Walden

Saturday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. The Concord Orchestra, conducted by Music Director Zeke Fetrow, is thrilled to perform “American Heritage” concerts as part of the Concord250 celebration.  Performances are on Saturday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden.  We are excited to […]


CONCORD250: April 19, 2025 6:00am Dawn Salute 8:30am Parade Step Off 9:30am  Old North Bridge Ceremony 1pm  Parade Ends 2-7pm Concord250 Block Party Concord Museum: Free admission all day, including witness the brave Acton Minutemen company in an encampment outside the Museum as they drill with muskets to prepare for battle, cook over a firepit, and […]

Southern Rail, A Bluegrass Concert

Concord Conservatory of Music 1317 Main St, Concord, MA, United States

Southern Rail’s performances are high-energy exuberant fun, with riveting harmonies, irrepressible humor and sparkling banjo, mandolin, and guitar solo work. Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 7:00 pm Purchase Tickets in advance or payable at the door for this event. ($25 General Admission and free for students 18 and under) Southern Rail celebrates more than four […]


Period Music Concert

Trinity Episcopal Church 81 Elm Street, Concord, United States

Musicians of Trinity Episcopal Church, 81 Elm Street will offer a concert of music from the 18th c at the church on Friday, May 16th at 7:30 pm.  Performers will include musicians from Concord, and surrounding towns. Music performed will be by composers whose music may well have been performed in and around Concord at […]

Concord Orchestra: “Dreaming With Your Feet”

51 Walden

Past, Present, Encore! We are delighted to embark on our second season with Music Director Zeke Fetrow and invite you to join us for a fascinating 2024-2025 season showcasing beloved masterpieces from the classical repertoire, rediscovered gems, and exciting contemporary works. We explore music from the era of Mozart and Beethoven to that of living composers Beal, Kurth, Marquez, […]