Willard Talent Show

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Willard Elementary School presents the annual Willard Talent Show with Willard student performers.

tickets sold at door or in advance

Spring into Action: Activate Joy through your Radiant Circuits

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Looking to boost your sense of well-being and joy? We are hardwired for joy but may often find ourselves in survival mode. In this Energy Medicine workshop, you will learn how to activate your Radiant Circuits – your energy system for joy which can instantly send energy to wherever your body needs a boost. Your […]

Postponed: Speaking with Confidence

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Are you making the impression you want to be making? Need to polish your speaking skills for work? Want to eliminate fears and anxieties of speaking? From the moment you enter a room in literally seconds you make your impression...your smile, your voice, your first few words, your style, your energy, your initial eye contact--all […]

Postponed: What happens after the paychecks stop? A Retirement Income Primer

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Long-term investing is like a journey. Whether you're traveling or investing, you want to prepare for the trip and avoid wasting time and money along the way. We'll examine: The economy, interest rates and our outlook, current market trends, ways to prepare for volatility, and opportunities in today's market.Register as a couple and save! $25/person […]

Postponed: England, Belgium, and Italy

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Come travel with Nancy and Dave as they move through England by ways of Yorkshire, Cornwall and London followed by a ride on the Eurostar through the Channel Tunnel to Bruges, Belgium. The last part of their trip took them to Italy exploring Torino, Acosta with a trip to Mont Blanc on cable cars, and […]

Tea: The World’s Most Popular Drink

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Learn how to brew the perfect cup of tea – while sampling 8 to 10 different teas from around the world. We’ll munch on snacks while sipping – and take home plenty of tea samples. While sampling teas from major tea producers, we’ll talk about how this simple beverage has played a major role in […]

A Drive Through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Carol and Susan spent two weeks driving through these Baltic States visiting major historical sites and examining the region’s complex history. Come and enjoy pictures of some of the region’s architectural treasures, food and countryside.

Introduction to Modern Calligraphy Using a Pointed Pen

CCHS 500 Walden St, Concord, MA, United States

Have you been intrigued by beautiful hand lettering seen at special events, on products, or online? Curious to give it a try, but nervous because your regular handwriting is lacking? Then this class is for you! You do NOT have to have perfect handwriting in order to learn modern calligraphy using a pointed (dip) pen […]